Our Support Programmes for Young People

Plymouth Music Accord has several programmes to encourage young people to develop an interest in music to fund their tuition and help talented young musicians get started on a career in music.
We often pay for tickets so that primary school children can attend a concert free of charge, either as a school group or with family. We are funding such tickets for the Plymouth Symphony Orchestra at St. Andrew's Minster in November 2024 - see details here

Tuition Project

DHSG String Players

The PMA has over the last few years paid for groups of secondary school students to receive music tuition. We had identified a need for students making the transition from primary school, where tuition was provided free, to secondary schools where in general it was not. The scheme is called the Tuition Project.


Young Musicians' Platform

Samantha Rowe

The Young Musicians' Platform provides talented local young musicians with help to start their musical careers. We have funded first professional engagements, helped with the purchase of better quality instruments and even part-funded a music scholarship.

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Young Musicians' Internship

PMA Intern Max

This scheme enables talented young musicians to take a step up and experience playing or singing alongside semi-professional and professional musicians in established adult ensembles.