
Symphony Concert Tickets for Children

Plymouth Music Accord is funding access for children to the November 27th concert by the Plymouth Symphony Orchestra – full programme below. The concert is in St Andrew’s Minster starting at 7.30. It will last about two hours.

Becaue of the limited space in St. Andrew's it would be preferable for primary school children to attend the dress rehearsal on 26th November starting at 7 pm also in St Andrew’s. At this rehearsal children can arrive and depart freely and also have the opportunity to talk to the guitar soloist or players of instruments that take their fancy.

Schools should apply to Clive Jenkins – for tickets issued by Plymouth Music Accord, stating whether their pupils wish to attend the dress rehearsal or the actual performance. Free tickets are also available for accompanying teachers or parents but schools are asked to keep the adult to child ratio as low as possible.

Wednesday November 27 at 7.30 pm at The Minster Church of St. Andrew, Plymouth 
Plymouth Symphony Orchestra, conductor Anne Kimber, with Alexandra Whittingham - guitar
Verdi: Overture "Force of Destiny" 
Debussy: La Mer
Ravel: Alborada del Gracioso
Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez
Ravel: Bolero

String Quartets in Plymouth

The next few months sees several string quartet performances by or promoted by PMA Member Organisations:

Saturday October 19 at 3 pm at Stoke Damerel Church, Stoke, Plymouth
Divertimento String Quartet: Mary Eade - violin, Lindsay Braga - violin, Andrew Gillett - viola, Vicky Evans - cello
Haydn: Quartet op 9 no 6 
Joaquin Turina: The Bullfighter’s Prayer 
Shostakovich: Quartet no 2, Op 68 
Tickets £20, students £10, under 18s free, in advance from, 01803 863677 or at the door 

Saturday November 9 at 7.30 pm at Levinsky Hall, University of Plymouth 

Musica Viva presents
The Kleio Quartet: Juliette Roos - violin, Katherine Yoon - violin, Yume Fujise - viola, Eliza Millett - cello 
Purcell: Three Fantasias 
Bartók: String Quartet no.6 
Ravel: String Quartet in F major
Tickets £12, concessions £10, students/u18s free, online 

Saturday March 15 at 7.30 pm at Levinsky Hall, University of Plymouth 
Musica Viva presents
The Takács Quartet: Edward Dusinberre - violin, Harumi Rhodes - violin, Richard O’Neill - viola, András Fejér - cello
Beethoven: String Quartet in F major, Op.18 no.1
Bartók: String Quartet no.3 
Dvorák: Quartet in E-flat major, Op.51 
Tickets £12, concessions £10, students/u18s free, online 



The 30th International Series of classical music concert series run by Jeanie Moore MVO has been taken over by new organisation Plymouth Concerts which has run the three recitals Jeanie had planned and is continuing to add more. All are on Sunday afternoons at Stoke Damerel Church. See a press release here for more information.

Plymouth Concerts Treasurer Charles Morgan has bought a beautifully restored Grotrian-Steinweg grand piano which has been installed in Stoke Damerel Church, which will continue as a very welcoming venue for classical music.

For all recent news about PMA please see our Facebook page