About Plymouth Music Accord

Established in 1997 by the late Charles May and Derek Amphlett, the Accord is a Registered Charity run by volunteers to encourage and promote musical performances, awareness, education and enthusiasm in the Plymouth area.
Our activities are entirely funded by subscriptions, donations, legacies, fundraising, sponsorship and charitable grants.

Our membership is made up of individuals, orchestras, bands and choirs, and local music promoters.

Download our publicity leaflet here.

Aims & Objectives

To promote, facilitate and encourage the appreciation and performance of music for the benefit of the whole community - especially the young - in the city of Plymouth

The Accord seeks to:

  • Assist the City Council and other funding bodies to identify and provide adequate financial support for music making.
  • Represent our member organisations in discussions with the City Council and others concerning facilities and other issues relevant to concertgoers and music promoters.
  • Raise the profile of all types of musical activity in Plymouth.
  • Bring together, and lend support to, all groups engaged in music.
  • Promote musical performances, whether Early, Classical, Jazz or Contemporary
  • Publish a regular diary of music events in the area - see Concert Diary
  • Develop further the already successful "Young Musicians' Platform" to encourage young talent from the area
  • Encourage and support young people’s musical development through the Concert Experience, the Tuition Project and Young Musicians’ Internships.
  • Organise events to fund its core aims.

The Concert Experience provides free tickets for primary schoolchildren to attend selected concerts, often enabling them to hear live music for the first time.

Concert Diary


All Plymouth Music Accord member events are included in a monthly listing of the next 3 months' concerts which is distributed by email to PMA members. 

See our Concert Diaries page for the latest concert listings.

People & Contacts

All positions are honorary. * signifies a Trustee. All telephone numbers are area code 01752 unless stated.
Chairman Anne Kimber
Vice- Chairman Jonathan Stromberg
Treasurer Charles Morgan*
01822 487676 
Secretary, Membership Secretary, Concert Diary Editor & Webmaster Roger Viles*
Young Musicians' Platform, Concert Experience Organiser & Sponsorship Secretary Clive Jenkins*
Tuition Project contact Sheila Jenkins